November Wants, Needs, and Offers

Sarretta 233-8300 needs a cell phone

Helen 244-9101 needs materials for crafts and wants some board games

Ashley 294-5611 needs a crib, a washer, a stove, baby clothes infant newborn for girl and pants for a 3 year old girl.  She needs a size 5 T girls winter jacket.  She would like weather stripping for a front door.

Sam needs yarn for knitting projects especially pink.  She is offering basic Spanish lessons

Nancy  needs prayers for a sick friend who needs medical answers and appropriate treatment.

Darlene   294-3976  needs a ride to Dream Seekers and home with her two grandkids and winter boots size 9.

Amber   351-3947  needs a twin size blanket and hoops(one small,one large)for cross stitch

Randai   351-8150   needs winter boots size 7 and a chest of drawers

Jackie   913-426-1301 offers tutoring to all ages, offering clothes for a 2 year old girl, and toys.

Flynn   573-253-9506  ( Janis’ #)  needs yarn and is offering artistic skills for a commission

Nathan  785-850-0852 needs clothing and toys

Al   506-9064  needs a recliner, wants prayers to see his grandkids, and is willing to visit with anyone over the phone or in person.

Hortense wants prayers to see her grandkids

Deb  232-6380  offers truck to haul recliner for Al

Bonnie needs weather stripping for front door, wants prayers to see her children and grandchildren, and is offering to talk to anyone over the phone or in person if they need someone to talk to.

Don  wants prayer for a favorable legal ruling and offers to help anyone 

Jim wants prayer for spiritual growth direction

Madison 686-7028 offers to babysit in her home with her mother’s supervision

Kristina 383-3658 needs size girls size 14-16 pants and sweatpants and offers decorations and handmade crafts

Ana  686-7028  offers toddler toys

Mary 262-2461  wants help with Facebook




Nathan  needs donations of clothes and toys


Amber   351-3947  needs winter boots size 7



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